Couture Doll Shops is having a fashion show - and many of our shop owners will be participating!! What a fun opportunity to have a sneak peek into the style our shop owners will exhibit at CDS, even before the Grand Opening!
And, there is still time for some of you to participate. All current CDS shop owners and those who become CDS shop owners BEFORE March 2, 2010 are eligible for this challenge. If you've been hanging on to apply "some day" - now really is the time to act.
Yes, we'll cap off accepting shop owners on our Premier level March 2, and won't take any more applications until we make a new announcement. And, yes, gone will be the opportunity to subscribe to CDS at our initial offering, and gone will be the perks of being a Premier Couture Doll Shop Owner. We REALLY appreciate those who have been smart enough...and brave enough....to start this great adventure with us, and we want to reward them.
Are you ready? Then come on! You can get started on the CDS website - couturedollshop.com
And, if you simply like to shop - your turn will be coming up soon. We will be keeping you informed of all the CDS happenings, including our Grand Opening date, right here. Okay, lots to do before the event - but be sure to mark your calendars for March 13. It's a Saturday, m'dears -- the perfect time to relax after all some real girl shopping, and watch the show!!!